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    • Earth Day Every Day in 4 Steps
    • Date: April 22 , 2015
    • April 22nd marks the 25th annual Earth Day in Canada. Join the other 6 million Canadians – and nearly every school-aged child who are like minded in reducing their environmental impact. This year Earth Day Canada is focusing on the theme of ‘Clean Your Commute’. There are many ways in which you and your community can support the theme of clean commuting, plus other ways in which you can reduce your environmental impact every day. Here are a few: 1. Clean Your Commute According to Earth Day Canada, “Transportation currently accounts for a whopping 24% of our carbon emissions.” This means by changing your transportation habits you can make a big impact. As Canada slowly emerges out of the winter deep freeze, choose options such as walking or cycling to work or school. You could even organize a “Walking Wednesdays” where you encourage students and staff to walk to school....
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    • Blended Learning Basics
    • Date: April 13 , 2015
    • Blended Learning is a term often used to describe several differing learning models which have a certain component in common; a blend of face-to-face teaching and the use of technology or media to supplement instruction. Blended Learning refers to the mix of traditional, brick and mortar classrooms with digital, online resources. The computer/tablet based portions of the curriculum can be completed at home or in the classroom as part of the lesson. Because of the widespread and common use of the term there are varying degrees of ‘blending’ and they can almost all fit into one of the six models of Blended Learning. 1. Face to Face Driver – The most traditional amongst the Blended Learning models, Face to Face Driver places the control and direction in the instructor’s hands as they lead the class through digital supplemental activities and lessons. 2. Rotation – The Rotation model introduces more student-driven...
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    • Living Benefits 101: Critical Illness Insurance and Long Term Disability Insurance
    • Date: April 09 , 2015
    • So far on the Bulletin Board we’ve spoken about life insurance and death benefits, but what were to happen if you were to become critically ill or if you were unable to work for a period of time? Living benefits are just as important as death benefits. Critical Illness insurance and Long Term Disability insurance makeup the living benefits coverage that is a crucial part of the insurance you and your family need. So, what are the differences? And do you really need both or is one more important than the other? Critical Illness Insurance Critical Illness insurance is a living benefit that is paid out to you in the case that you fall ill with a critical illness such as cancer, heart attack, a stroke etc. This living benefit is a large amount, dependent on your chosen plan of course, and is paid in a lump sum. Your CI...
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    • World Health Day: Tips on Improving Food Safety
    • Date: April 07 , 2015
    • April 7th is the World Health Organization’s annual World Health Day. With the increasing industrialized and global nature of our food preparation, it has become immensely important to maintain a high level of food safety. Join the WHO in celebrating and promoting this important day by bringing food safety awareness to your classroom and home with these tips: 1. Know Your Food: The first step in preparing, storing, and serving safe and healthy food is knowing what goes into your food and where it comes from. If you know what the ingredients are and where it was made or grown, you will be better equipped to make the right choices. Take it one step further – familiarize yourself with the dangerous microbiological and chemical agents in your region. 2. Handle Your Food, Safely: The World Health Organization has basic recommendations that can help you handle, store and prepare food safely....
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