The Teachers Life senior management shares a commitment to excellence, success and our Members and their families. We strive to reinvent, grow, and transform our organization to provide our Members with a secure future by providing tailored products and benefits, delivered by an exceptional service experience.

Kayte Fredrickson

Kayte Fredrickson, President and CEO

Kayte is a well-known figure in the insurance industry with over 20 years of experience in senior roles. She has worked across the spectrum of Insurance, from plan sponsor to reinsurer. Over the past decade, Kayte has focused on the purposeful growth and transformation of Insurance, balancing the why and how from a customer perspective with the lens of creating value. Prior to joining Teachers Life, Kayte ran an insurance agency providing and servicing insurance products to over 44,000 Members of an Ontario-based association. She established and led a North American innovation team with a global reinsurer, where she created B2C and B2B2C digital strategies, innovative insurance products, and end-to-end business requirements to promote, underwrite and administer life and non-life policies. Kayte graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science and holds several educational achievements in the financial services industry, including her Canadian Risk Management (CRM) designation, Managed Healthcare and Long Term Management Professionals designation, as well as Professional, Academy for Healthcare Management.

Cherisse Norman

Cherisse Norman

Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer

Cherisse joined Teachers Life in 2018 and serves as our Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer.  Cherisse has 25 years of experience in financial services and consulting industries. She has demonstrated leadership in areas of risk management, budgeting and strategic execution, product delivery, financial reporting and analysis, and investment planning and oversight. Cherisse’s prior experience includes a leadership position at one of Canada’s largest RESP providers, as well as senior finance positions at large Canadian banking and insurance companies. She is also Chair of the National Audit and Finance Committee, National Board Member and Regional Chapter Board member (past-President) of Finance Executives International (FEI), a Canada-wide organization of senior finance executives. Cherisse holds a Master of Business Administration from Memorial University of Newfoundland, as well as the Chartered Professional Accountant, Chartered Management Accountant designation.