First, start with the concept of “resiliency”. What is it? Be sure your student has an understanding of resiliency. Tips Hold a discussion about what resiliency is with the key message of resiliency being “the ability to bounce back, bounce forward from tough times”. Bring magazines or other such materials (or students can draw their […]
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From Resiliency for Teens: Bounce Back?, American Psychological Association Get Together. Talk with your friends and, yes, even with your parents. Understand that your parents may have more life experience than you do, even if it seems they never were your age. They may be afraid for you if you’re going through really tough times […]
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Resilience is the ability to not only cope and handle adversity, but to also be able to learn from it and adapt to life stressors and challenging life situations. There is no simple answer as to why one person is resilient and another has difficulty coping. What we do know is that it is a […]
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Mental health makes up an integral part of a person’s capacity to lead a fulfilling life, including the ability to form and maintain relationships, to work or pursue leisure activities and to make day-to-day decisions about education, employment, housing and other life choices. An essential piece of being an emotionally healthy person starts early […]
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